Woolmark公司是澳大利亞羊毛發展有限公司(Australian Wool Innovation)的子公司,後者是一家非營利企業,專門代表其出資者——約60,000家羊毛生產商——進行澳大利亞羊毛全球供應鏈的研發與行銷。
1930年代,世界上幾個最大的羊毛生產國認為將他們的產品推向國際是產業發展的重要目標。澳大利亞接下了這份重責大任,1936年,羊毛生產商投票決定對每捆產品徵收6便士的稅款,用於進行研究與推廣。接著1937年7月1日成立了國際羊毛宣傳研究局,不久後改名為國際羊毛局(International Wool Secretariat,IWS)。IWS的總部設於倫敦,到1950年代中期,在所有重要羊毛生產國都設了辦事處。
二次世界大戰期間出現了一個強勁的競爭對手──合成纖維;1960年代,尼龍、滌綸、壓克力纖維迅速成為家喻戶曉的名字。為了對抗非天然纖維的崛起,澳大利亞IWS總經理威廉.范納斯(William Vines)提出了一個想法,主張以一種獨特的標籤保證羊毛的纖維含量與品質。
1993年12月,澳大利亞羊毛研發促進機構(Australian Wool Research and Promotion Organisation ,AWRAP)成立。1994年,AWRAP和IWS的活動合併,成為一個由AWRAP管理的機構。1997年,IWS改名為Woolmark公司(TWC)。2001年,AWRAP改組為《公司法》上的公司,成為「澳大利亞羊毛服務有限公司」(AWS)。AWS是一間控股公司,旗下有「澳大利亞羊毛發展有限公司」(AWI)與TWC兩家子公司。
In 1936, visionary woolgrowers made a bold decision: to unite and bring wool to the far corners of the globe, from shearing sheds to Parisian runways. This ambition laid the groundwork for Woolmark’s creation in 1964, driven by a spirit of exploration, quality and collaboration to elevate wool’s story and future.
Today, Woolmark carries this legacy forward, shaping wool’s journey through research, innovation and a commitment to connecting woolgrowers, brands and citizens. Anchored by quality, Woolmark is where tradition meets innovation, advancing wool as a natural, circular fibre for generations to come.
We believe that wool offers a solution to the fashion and textile industry’s sustainability challenges. As a not-for-profit organisation, we are committed to enriching the lives of everyone in the wool industry - from those who grow wool to those who make it and wear it – as we journey towards a nature positive future.
By embracing innovation, sustainability and collaboration, we stitch together an industry that is as forward-thinking as it is time-honoured. Renowned globally, our incubator programs cross borders and cultures, fostering future industry talent and ensuring wool continues to evolve.
We are the world’s most recognisable textile fibre brand. In 1964, our Woolmark logo was crafted to champion wool as a premium fibre in a market becoming increasingly flooded by synthetics. Today, the logo is a beacon of commitment to the highest standards for more than 6 billion products proudly bearing this mark.
A Unique Fibre
Since the 1800s, Merino wool has become a cornerstone of the luxury market. From Chanel to Saint Laurent, as well as today’s emerging designers, wool continues to stand as a testament to innovation and quality. Each Merino wool fibre carries a legacy of craftsmanship and innovation, blending time-honoured expertise with modern advancements.