世界上像倫敦的薩佛街一樣充滿迷人傳統的街道可不太多。這條街位於倫敦市梅費爾區,作為英國裁縫業的首善之區,以無與倫比的訂製服、帕拉第奧式建築以及穿著考究的紳士來往如織而聞名於世。裁縫師從18世紀晚期開始眾集於薩佛街及周圍的街區,第一個正式在這條街上開業的裁縫師是亨利.普爾(Henry Poole);這家店是他擴大繼承自父親的裁縫事業而設,一直傳承至今。「訂製」這個詞本身就說明了衣服是為個別客戶量身製作,歷史上包括現任威爾斯親王、溫斯頓.邱吉爾、納爾遜勳爵、拿破崙三世都曾是這裡的客戶。在這一系列簡介中,我們將介紹薩佛街的明星:全球男裝市場重要的一員——訂製西裝——背後的裁縫師、剪裁師與製作者。
Naturally breathable
From the boardroom to the bar, a classic cut lightweight wool suit can never be underestimated. Providing warmth in winter while keeping you cool in warmer weather, a lightweight Merino wool suit will, with the proper care, last a lifetime.
Wrinkle resistant
Quality wool suiting has excellent wrinkle recovery, so it’s important to hang your suit after each wear. This benefit also keeps you looking sharp after commuting to work or attending interstate business meetings.
Superb drape
There’s a reason the tailors of Savile Row love to work with Merino wool. Because Merino wool can absorb moisture vapour, it tends not to create static electricity, helping it to drape beautifully and be less likely to cling uncomfortably to your body than other fabrics.
What is the Super S system?
To distinguish superior Merino wool suiting fabrics, the SUPER S labelling program identifies the softness of fine Merino wool fabrics. The higher the S number, the finer the wool fibre being used and therefore the finer the yarns.
This fine yarn results in luxurious fabrics with superior flexibility in terms of both lightness and superior drape.